This posting about feeling. What kind of these feel. Why people around me not understand how and what Im now. Please understand me. Im not easily to make you hurt. What the quote say "What goes around, comes around". In other time, u also make me hurt, so I think its ur time now. Gosh! Its make fell uneasy. When Im 'terasa' with u, Im not mention it, but U.. Almost do that.
For those yg terasa, Im sorry.
One most things that I want u know, "Please understand me"
p/s : Sori kalo ade grammar mistake. Tapi nak juga tulis dlm bi ni. Serious terasa. Kita kena faham perasaan dan keadaan org. Sifat empati tu penting. Jgn jual ikan.
7 Cakap Saya Jadi Engineer:
knp ni fiqa..
always be strong oke..
Jgn.Jual.Ikan... Hahahahah. XD
@cik jiha : tula. someone that Im trust. Thanks to cheer me up. :)
@dewi : taw xpe. jual ikan, jual ikan,
nuaimi jgn sdey2
@ajie. thanks. heee. dah lme x jmpe ajie kan2?
muahaha..dasat tol blog ko..mekap tahap gaban
jual ikan kat kdai je...
jgn kat lain...
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