Thanks for invite dear, Macam best je nak join.

Syarat 2 dia  SINI

haa. besar gitu. hopefully dapat menang ye owner. ><

Thanks for reading. Easily to drop comment here. Like also :)

12 Cakap Saya Jadi Engineer:

Alya Haduri said...

wahhh! macam twin je :D thanks sudi join. gudluck! :D

Admin said...

Huhu..mmg besar
.gd luck..


Asfz said...

wahh...leh wat iklan colgate..tehee.
good luck :)

Latest Entry: Bermain dengan tahi lalat

Anonymous said...

waahhh. contest tayang gigi pulak dah..sekarang macam-macam contest ade.hehe

Waney Swift said...

a'ah la mcm twin hehe.. goodluckk ^_^

+qasih nadira+ said...

hehehe~comel~all the best!

caer sasuke said...

haha..besar gak gigi tu..kih3..anyway good luck ye

hyemynameisrasyid said...

olo.,gigi xcantik.,berterabur la.,malu nk join.,hehe =.='

Aimifiqa said...

@asfz lily mmg iklan habis. ehhe

Aimifiqa said...

@Syazwani Amira adik beradik ni. hehe. ><

Aimifiqa said...

@mohd sasuke thanks sasuke. ><
@hyemynameisrasyid hehe. join je. mane la tau menang. gigi cute ke? heehhe

lyana ying.. said...

singgah from blog contest tyg gigi,,

hihih gudlucks sis :)

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